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Did You Know…

10th Feb 2010

… that updating your website regularly makes a big difference to your natural search engine rankings?

One of several key factors in how highly a search engine ranks your website is how current it is. If you don’t update your site regularly, you will quickly slip down the rankings compared to others sites who do. 

So try to update something on your website at least monthly, if not fortnightly or weekly, depending upon your industry. Your content should always be fresh and up-to-date – particularly prices and dates. It could be as simple as adding a short ‘latest news’ item, monthly special or blog article on the first of every month. Make it obvious that your material is current so visitors can trust what they read is correct, and so have more trust in your business.

If you don’t touch to your web content for 6 or 12 months, you will simply go to the bottom of the search engine list and those visitors who do find you will quickly see your information is old and move on to your competitors.

So if your website’s ranking is important to your business, it would be worth considering a Content Management System (CMS) to easily update the text and images yourself whenever you like. It will cost a little more initially, but it will give you full control and flexibility over how often you update your site without ongoing maintenance fees, so will probably be more cost effective.